Monday, August 10, 2009

A Balloon, A Chicken or a Pregnant Lady!

In recent days, my pregnant body has spurred people to compare me to non-human things. Two days ago, an older gentleman described me as a balloon saying, "you're so big, you looked like you're going to pop!" Yesterday I was enjoying a leisurely float in the pool (you see, I am still on my staycation and my kids do not return for another 3 days:). Another older man said, "When are you due?" When I responded, 7 weeks I thought his eyes would pop out of his face. Then he proceeded to refer to me as some sort of chicken and say, "You're huge, you're going to hatch any day. There's no way you will make it another 7 weeks." I think I'm ready to return to my humanly body, but I guess I've got to wait a little longer. I'll be out running errands today. We'll see what other ego building comments I get today.

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